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Tips For Setting Up Your Stained Glass Hobby Work Area

One of the most persuading aspects of getting into the hobby of working with stained glass is that the cost of entry is quite low. The cost of the basic equipment and tools that you need to get started is much less than many other hobbies.

With a few tools and some supplies you can easily start to learn how easy it is for you to make beautiful stained glass windows, lamps and other items. Here are some hints and tips on how you can also set up a great working area for your projects without spending a lot of money.

stained glass window kits

For starters, find a sturdy clutter-free surface from which to work. Many people prefer to work with stained glass supplies while sitting rather than standing. Make sure your work table is stable and strong enough. Don’t use a wobbly folding table.

For best results, get a piece of fiberboard or other cork like material to give yourself a firm but somewhat cushioned work surface. This makes it easier to work with the glass and will allow you to use push tacks and pins when you are working with your patterns.

Set yourself up with access to water so you have it ready at hand when you are working. You’ll need water for washing and cleaning the glass, and your powered grinder or ring saw needs water to operate. If you don’t have a tap close by, make sure you keep a few gallons of water on hand to wash away any chemicals you may use and glass dust.

When you cut and break stained glass you will create a lot of small chips and tiny pieces of glass that can build up on your work area and lodge in corners and cracks. Make sure you have a pair of safety glasses or goggles and wear them whenever you are cutting or breaking glass. Get yourself a bench brush and dust pan to use to dry sweep these small pieces away and to keep your work area clean. Little bits of glass that get stuck in your hands or fingers can be very painful.

Make sure the area where you work is well ventilated. When you are using flux and solder you should make every effort not to breath the fumes. The lead used in solder and in the lead came for stained glass window kits is a toxic material. Make sure that the lead and lead particles don’t come in contact with food or into any areas where you prepare it.

Set up your work area with good lighting and access to electric power for your soldering iron and other equipment. Keep some rags and other cleaning supplies on hand so that you can clean up and keep things neat. Set aside a cabinet or drawer stack to store your tools and equipment when not in use. If you are using stained glass kits and start with larger pieces of glass, find a safe place to store the glass. Make sure it is securely kept away from small children and pets.

With just a little bit of thinking ahead, you can quickly and safely set things up to get started with your stained glass hobby. Planning ahead to make a spot to do your work will make it easier for you to learn and you’ll see results faster. Get your work area set up right and you’ll be ready to go.